I had wanted to video a harvest field for this devotional, but I was not sure when and how to do it. God led us to travel to Washington, State and some of our plans were cancelled so it gave us time to work on editing some songs and lessons. We asked our hosts about where there were beautiful and visually interesting places in the area. The host told us about Steptoe Butte being ready for harvest. I was excited. It took some time to drive to the top of the butte. When I looked at the view, I saw miles and miles of white wheat! It was surely time for harvest. I cried and cried, because I saw for the first time… what Jesus was talking about in the Bible…the harvest was white, ripe, and ready. Our world seems to become increasingly evil day by day… so we could think… “I can’t share the gospel of Jesus!” But that is not true… now is the time to share Jesus and see the harvest! Enjoy this devotional and remember… NOW is the time to share Jesus and see His harvest! He loves you and He loves the world!