Please pray as we prepare and go to this outreach. 2000 Deaf are expected at this expo in Manila, Philippines, on February 2. ( In Manila :Jan.30- February 4) We plan to take tracts and DVDs . Only Steve and I are going. We are so thankful that Missionary with the Deaf, Douglas Clutton, is flying in from another part of the Philippines to help us at the booth. Three or four other workers are willing to help. We will teach them simple sign language the day before the conference so that they can give away the tracts and DVDs. Praise God for these volunteers!!! We will also get to share a gospel message on the stage.

Please pray for packing, easy healthy travel (transporting many boxes & Steve must not lift more than 5lbs.). Pray for the outreach at the Expressions of Emmanuel booth and the gospel presentation, provision in every way, for people to come to know Jesus, and for the Holy Spirit to guide and move in our hearts. Please pray for Revival! Please also pray for God to open a door for us to share with a Deaf group/ Church on February 3!

We are so thankful for the Kilsons who are sharing the love of Jesus in Japan. We have been welcomed to their home. We will go to The Philippines and then to Japan. We are praying for the Lord to use us in Japan. We don’t have any firm plans for our 10 days there. We have been working on contacts with the Deaf and pray to be an encouragement to this sweet family. We will get a special medicine for Steve’s DNA mutation in Tokyo. We are thankful for those who have generously given. We are thankful for a Japanese minister who is volunteering to be our clinic interpreter and also giving us rides. Please praise God with us and pray for Steve’s health. Please also pray for a sweet time of fellowship and sharing God’s love and for God to lead the schedule! Holy hugs!

January has been blessed with three opportunities to share missionary presentations with precious churches! The Kirks also came for a week to help us prepare for Asia, other 2019 missionary plans, and to do office work. We enjoyed teaching two sign classes. I am also thankful for my friend, Galy Laredo, who is teaching me Spanish.

Please join us in praying for God’s leading for 2019! We pray for God to overwhelming bless you this year. We could not do this work without you! Please continue or begin partnering with EOE. You are appreciated! Holy hugs.