This is more of a mimed sign. You take your two clasped hands over your heart and open them up and extend them outwards if sharing with another person, or upwards if talking to God and bring that sign back and forth in the same motions – showing the hearts truly sharing.

God wants koinonia, the Greek word for “deep fellowship!” Everyone longs to share on a deep level. Romans 12:0 says, “Be devoted to one another in love.” Helen Keller, who was Deaf and blind, said, “Blindness separates people from things, but Deafness separates people from people.” Does Deafness separate people from God? Of course not! But in the heart of the Deaf, just like anyone, there is a longing to share deeply. Christians, whether Deaf or hearing, need to reach out and share Christ’s love. We can only do this well if the church seeks to be unified and love one another.

The church then must love the lost! This takes pouring out our heart in prayer to God and sharing on a deep level together. People are tired of surface relationships. Let’s help people have a deep relationship with God! Let us each strive to grow closer to God and offer the world the freedom of pouring out their hearts to God to know Him deeply.

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