Where there is only a mist
Of the hist –
Meaning my HIStory –
Did I tell His story?
What will be the gist
Of my influence in the mist?
Did I make a dent
With my stint?
Did I seek to honor Him with every event?
When people trace my comings and goings and everywhere I went,
Will it be found that, for His glory, my life was shaped and bent?
Did I openly display God – or did I just make a hint?
Will people see evidence of a life fully surrendered?
What did I do with the time I was lent?
Do my actions display what God intended for the godly – what He for my life meant?
Or have I squandered the much He has given me, has my life been spent
Upon my own passions, my ambitions?  Do I obey or in tantrums do I vent?
Do I, like a straight arrow, joyfully respond and go where I am sent?
Do I live with the purpose of joining Your plan, and as you desire, set up my tent?
When the tent of my life is gone, when I disappear,
What will people remember when they shed a tear?
Did I from sin my life sear?
Was I a God-seeker, a very thirsty deer?
Was I willing to sacrifice, even if it required my life to be at the end of the spear?
Did I cause people to realize that God is truly near?
Do people recall the Lord in me, walking confidently with no fear?
Did I lead people to Jesus – or did my life cause from His path to veer?
Did I use all He gave effectively?  Did I use my God-issued gear?
What will people remember when they look back at me?
What will they remember from my history?
I do hope it is more than just my eccentric ways that people hear.
Creative, lovely, intelligent – yes, appreciated – but that is not the mere
Message of my life.  No!  I want “Jesus follower” to appear!
So when people look back in time, time passed in the rear,
I pray that as they analyze my life year by year,
It will be said that they gist of my mist
Is that I loved Jesus and this love they won’t resist.
Upon this day I ask you to reflect – no, I insist –
How when looking at your hist –
History – that others you will enlist
And that Jesus will be the gist of your mist.