Praising in the Prison
Praising in the Rain (the Hard Times)
Praising in My Pain!

We all face hard times.  The Bible says that all people – those doing good things and those doing bad things –  will all have trouble.  We will all be hit by the “rain storms!”

Mathew 5:43-45 says, “Love your neighbor…love your enemies…that you may be sons of your Father in heaven.”

He (God) causes the sun to rise on the evil and the good and He (God) sends rain on the righteous and the unrighteous!

But, in our pain, we have to choose!  Will I be stuck here or will I reach out to God who loves me and have victory?  Will I praise God no matter what happens?

Paul and Silas praised God while in prison!  Paul and Silas were put in prison because they shared Jesus!  It was dark, cold, lonely – well, it could have been – but they reached out to God in praise.

What will you do?  Will you praise God?

God will help you through your troubles – He loves you!  Praise God!

Suffering comes.

Suffering goes.

We’ve all been touched

By its wiry woes.

Our pain just throb,

Or the hurt can be agony

And our whole life rob.

The joy can be snuffled away in a flash

But with hands stretched up we can cry and be lifted up from the ash

O Lord, sustain us in the journey upon life’s path

Keep us faithful and free from Your wrath.

Look upon us with Your eyes of mercy

Gaze upon us and Your fixed eyes will restore us with glee.

I only need You and You alone.

In my darkness and despair Your light shone.

Suffering comes

Suffering goes

Help me when I’m in the middle of its throes.

On the cross for my transgression and sorrow You chose

To accept all my pain, sin, and death.

You were faithful to Your last breath.

You were separated from God –

You endured – and then You rose.

So when I meet the challenges – help me lift my head

And Jesus, take Your pose.

Suffering, it comes.

Suffering, it goes.

Regardless of life’s tone

Help me trust in the Lamb of God alone.

1 Peter 2:9 says, “But you are a chosen people, royal priests, a holy nation, a people for God’s own possession. You were chosen to tell about the wonderful acts of God, who called you out of darkness into his wonderful light.”