Old Lady

We had a wonderful time at the public school in Taloga, Oklahoma. We were able to teach all of the children in the elementary and kindergarten program. They were all very receptive. We taught the following truths using dramas, props, videos, and a dog show featuring Neo and Luna: You are special, others are special, honor your mothers… or other special women in your life, honor, respect, and obey authority (if people are telling you to do good things!), live, love, forgive, and never give up, love and help others, we all need each other, don’t keep doing bad things like a dog eating its vomit, don’t be lazy, have good clean fun, don’t be stubborn like a mule, and make sure not to “swallow” lies! Neo taught us the important of love! Luna taught us the importance of obeying! The “Old Lady” taught us to sign a lot of animal signs, to have fun, and to not believe lies… for example… (You are special, don’t believe you are not! It is not okay to steal or be mean, so do not believe those lies! Don’t swallow lies!)

Steve, Cloudi, and I traveled to and from Taloga. Steve and I (Vonda) drove. Steve struggled with pain, but in spite of the pain… did most of the driving. We are thankful to Bill and Karen Kimball and their mother in law, Verniece hosting us. We are thankful to Karen for setting up the character program with the local school. We were able to share posters and let the children and their families know that we will be returning to share in the Vacation Bible School program at Taloga Christian Church on July 22 to 24. We encouraged the kids to look at the sign language materials on our website. Some of them returned to ask about our website address. Please pray for these kids and their families and for the summer VBS. We are thankful for Taloga Christian Church as last year we partnered together in VBS and we look forward to our partnership in the gospel this year.

We so enjoyed visiting the Kimballs and Verniece. Verniece is 90 and she taught us to play train dominoes. She was an excellent scorekeeper and of course she won! What a blessing to share with God’s people and to challenge young ones to develop their character. We challenged the kids that good character does not just happen… we have to work at it like good hygiene… You have to brush your teeth or if you don’t…. I showed them “Billy Bob teeth”. I explained to them in the same way…. we need to daily work on our character! It was a JOY to work with such precious children who are eager to do good!

If your school or you know of a school who would benefit from our Character Development program. Please visit our booking page on our website, fill out the form, we would love to share at your school too.